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June 21, 2022 / Junio 21, 2022


Livingston - automotive meetings queretaro program

You must purchase your ticket for this conference day even if you signed up for the matchmaking program on June 22 & 23. 

Debe comprar su pase para este día de las conferencias incluso si se inscribió en el programa de citas de negocios del 22 y 23 de Junio.

Simultaneous translation / Traducción simultánea

English - Spanish / Inglés - Español

08:00 - 9:00

Registration / Registro

09:15 - 9:45

Secretaria Desarrollo Sustentable - automotive meetings queretaro program

The Automotive Industry in Queretaro / La industria automotriz en Querétaro

Genaro Montes Diaz, Undersecretary of Economic Development / Subsecretario de Desarrollo Económico, SEDESU

09:50 - 10:10

AMIA - automotive meetings queretaro program

Automotive Industry Overview / Panorama de la Industria Automotriz

José Zozaya, Executive President / Presidente Ejecutivo, AMIA

*Language: English / Idioma: Inglés

10:15 - 10:35

INA - automotive meetings queretaro program

The heavy vehicle industry: challenges and opportunities / La industria de vehículos pesados: retos y oportunidades

Miguel H. Elizalde Lizarraga, Executive President / Presidente Ejecutivo, ANPACT

*Language: English / Idioma: Inglés

10:40 - 11:00

INA - automotive meetings queretaro program

T-MEC rules of origin and its opportunities / Reglas de origen del T-MEC y sus oportunidades

Alberto Bustamante, General Director / Director General, INA

*Language: English / Idioma: Inglés

11:00 - 11:15


Coffee break

11:15 - 11:45

Québec - automotive meetings queretaro program

Québec, a key player in the electric vehicle industry with a battery initiave, innovative manufacturers, and an eco-responsible approach / Québec, aliado estratégico en el desarrollo del vehículo eléctrico: sector de la batería, innovación y producción responsable

Lucie Lecours, Minister for the Economy / Ministra delegada de Economía de Quebec, Investissement Quebec International

Hubert Bolduc, President / Presidente, Investissement Quebec International

*Language: English / Idioma: Inglés

11:50 - 12:20

Michigan Economic - automotive meetings queretaro program

PMBC´s supplier search capabilities and success stories in helping foreing companies identify Michigan-based suppliers / Capacidades de búsqueda de proveedores de PMBC y casos de éxito para ayudar a las empresas extranjeras a identificar proveedores de Michigan

Colin Dillon, Data and Strategy Manager / Director de Datos y Estrategia, PURE MICHIGAN BUSINESS CONNECT

*Language: English / Idioma: Inglés

12:30 - 14:00

Livingston - automotive meetings queretaro program

Business Lunch / Comida de negocios

Sponsored by LIVINGSTON

14:00 - 14:50

Quebec - automotive meetings queretaro program
Vectralis - automotive meetings queretaro program
Vectralis - automotive meetings queretaro program
Vectralis - automotive meetings queretaro program

Challenges and Opportunities in T-MEC Supply Chain Regionalization, Supplier Development and Digitalization / Retos y Oportunidades en la Regionalización de la Cadena de Suministro T-MEC, Desarrollo de Proveedores y la Digitalización

Ricardo Luca, Purchasing Director - Series Lighting North and South America / Director de Compras - Iluminación de Serie Norte y América del Sur, Forvia - Hella

Joel Bröchu International Consultant Region Quebec / Consultor Internacional Región Quebec, Investmet Quebec

Eyal Kaufman, Founder and CEO / Fundador y Director General, Quality line

José Centeno, Sales Manager / Director de Ventas, Vectralis

Daniel Sánchez Peñaflor, CEO and Supplier Development Consultant / Director General y Consultor de Desarrollo, SPA

*Language: English / Idioma: Inglés

14:55 - 15:25

Michigan Economic - automotive meetings queretaro program

Present and future of hybrid and electric cars in Mexico / Presente y futuro de los coches híbridos y eléctricos en México

Moisés Bárcenas, Director de Marketing / Chief Marketing Manager, NISSAN

Mario Zamora, Acting Senior Director in Design and Development / Director Senior en funciones de Diseño y Desarrollo, NISSAN

*Language: Spanish / Idioma: Español

15:25 - 15:40


Coffee break

15:40 - 16:10

Eaton - automotive meetings queretaro program

How to do business with TR1 Post Pandemic / Como hacer negocios con TR1 Post Pandemia

Marco Rollero, Vice President Global Purchasing Organization / Vicepresidente de la Organización Global de Compras, EATON

*Language: English / Idioma: Inglés

16:15 - 16:45

Michigan Economic - automotive meetings queretaro program

Hydrogen and sustainable propulsión / Hidrógeno y propulsiones sostenibles

Jesús Serrano, Industrial Merchant Strategy / Estrategia Mercados Industriales, AIR LIQUIDE

*Language: English / Idioma: Inglés

16:50 - 17:10

End of event / Fin del evento


Safety measures

automotive meetings queretaro program
An increasing number of our attendees receive fraudulent emails from third-party companies to buy/order attendees list of Automotive Meetings Queretaro.

In accordance with the GDPR, the contact details of our participants are never communicated.
These companies claiming to be in possession of this information are not, they are just trying to scam you. We therefore strongly recommend that you do not respond to this type of email.
If you have any doubt, please contact our team before responding to any correspondence.